BEAST2.4.0 and Intellij

Updated from what I wrote in Jun 2015. The following is what I did on 2016-02-24. Intellij 15.0.2. BEAST 2.4.0.

Download BEAST2 source

I downloaded zip from and unpacked as beast2p4p0.

New STACEY version

(This is my primitive branching procedure. Next time, perhaps, I'll understand git.)

Make BEAST2 in Intellij

I suspect the above is not necessary, but maybe best to make sure this works first. I can't seem to persuade Intellij I want language level 8 as default.

Set up project for new STACEY version

If the artifacts are not empty jars, I can't change the names from automatically supplied and wrong ones.

Intellij errors when compiling STACEY 1.1.1 against BEAST 2.4.0pre

Error:(121, 17) java: cannot find symbol
Information:Using javac 1.8.0_66 to compile java sources
Information:java: Errors occurred while compiling module 'STACEY240'
Information:Modules "STACEY240", "beast2p4p0" were fully rebuilt due to project configuration/dependencies changes
Information:24/02/2016 08:39 - Compilation completed with 8 errors and 2 warnings in 13s 202ms
Warning:(187, 49) java: parse(java.lang.String) in java.util.Date has been deprecated
Warning:(465, 33) java: parse(java.lang.String) in java.util.Date has been deprecated
Information:java: C:\Users\Work\AAA\Programming\biology\beast2p4p0\src\beast\evolution\operators\ uses unchecked or unsafe operations.
Information:java: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
Error:(60, 17) java: init( in stacey.PopSampleStatistic cannot implement init( in beast.core.Loggable
  overridden method does not throw java.lang.Exception
Removed throw.
Error:(188, 17) java: initAndValidate() in stacey.PIOMSCoalescentDistribution cannot implement initAndValidate() in beast.core.BEASTInterface
  overridden method does not throw java.lang.Exception
Removed throw.
Error:(76, 17) java: initAndValidate() in stacey.BirthDeathCollapseModel cannot implement initAndValidate() in beast.core.BEASTInterface
  overridden method does not throw java.lang.Exception
Removed throw.
Error:(51, 9) java: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable m_plugin
  location: class stacey.GtreeAndCoalFactorInputEditor
Error:(76, 17) java: cannot find symbol
  symbol: variable m_plugin
Error:(120, 42) java: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable m_plugin
  location: class stacey.GtreeAndCoalFactorInputEditor
Error:(121, 17) java: cannot find symbol
  symbol:   variable m_plugin
  location: class stacey.GtreeAndCoalFactorInputEditor
m_input -> m_beastObject
Error:(58, 17) java: init( in stacey.BirthDeathCollapseNClustersStatistic cannot implement init( in beast.core.Loggable
  overridden method does not throw java.lang.Exception
Removed throw.