BEAST2 and Intellij

Updated from what I wote in Feb 2014. The following is what I did on 2015-06-13. Intellij 14.1.3. BEAST 2.3.0.

Download BEAST2 source

I downloaded zip from and unpacked as beast2p3p0. There seem to be various places and ways to get the BEAST2 source. I don't know which is recommended.

New STACEY version

(This is my primitive branching procedure.)

Make BEAST2 in Intellij

I suspect the above is not necessary, but maybe best to make sure this works first. I can't seem to persuade Intellij I want language level 8 as default.

Set up project for new STACEY version

If the artifacts are not empty jars, I can't change the names from automatically supplied and wrong ones.